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top results:
~30% of the contribution to excess mortality for young adults in 2021 came from drug ODs
%age contribution to excess mortality of drug ODs was not that different by age over 18-39 yrs
COVID as a contribution to excess mortality was higher for older people

Interesting responses from others:

I posted yesterday a comparison of recent 🏴18-24 mortality compared with recent (and past) US mortality, using @meepbobeep's excellent graphs.
I've now added ages up to 40 - the pattern is similar, albeit the disparity lessens slightly at the upper end.

The picture:
Now Scotland:

@VictimOfMaths @AdeleGroyer @john_actuary @meepbobeep @GoActuary Scotland drug related deaths in 2019 were 234 per million popn. (245 per m in 2020) which is very similar to USA rate. Perhaps explains similarities in life expectancy curves?

Some prior posts on drug overdoses:
Top causes of death:
GoActuary thread on mortality trends:
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