"Even if you can't say anything nice, you can always look at mortality trends."

I'll have to remember that.

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As I told another friend, -I- can -always- talk about mortality trends.... but they do tend to look at you funny when you start talking about prostate cancer in the checkout line.

It does help to have a hook.

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I continue to appreciate your ability to sift through the fluff and get to the essence. Transparency and early detection is pivotal. Yes black men have issues with even testing procedures for prostate cancer. Access does play a role, I think the unwillingness to be tested trumps that factor. Thank you for the post.

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I've noticed some ads lately aimed at African-American men for health screening in general, but reading between the lines, I think they're really saying prostate cancer screening, but I think they'd also screen for hypertension and kidney function as well (it's just blood pressure and blood/urine tests for those). These are at elevated levels for black men in particular -- and I've seen bad increases in mortality for hypertension and kidney issues. I haven't done racial breakouts yet.

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