And the NYT is demonizing air conditioning https://t.co/Yd3NNxQPyl

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I remember a heat wave when I was in NYC and had no A/C in the 90s

I used frozen peas on my neck in my apt to try to cool off

I knew all the tricks

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Would love to see US maps by county

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These causes of death don't have enough where I would get 10 even in a 21 year period (the largest single database call in the standard WONDER sets), so I would get very sparse results. WONDER won't give results where there's fewer than 10 for the data request.

For county-level analysis, one generally has to stick to the "big" causes of death, like cancer or heart disease, because the counts will be high enough to get results. X30/X31 are still pretty low in count.

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Yes, you are right

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