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I’m f I didn’t say it already, I was born and raised in Chicago, but in 1973 my folks moved to a nearby suburb. I was away at college and came home for Christmas break with an address of my new home- a two bedroom apartment that I would share with my high school sister and my folks. This was after growing up in a 3 bedroom bungalow on the west side of Chicago. The folks left due to the rising crime in the neighborhood even back then. The neighborhood was very rough, but I believe the ‘streetwise’ education serves me to this day. My Dad was a Teamster and other various union’s ’organizer’ with a number of political connections so my folks where staunch Democrats. While in college for my first election I requested an absentee ballot to be able to say ‘I voted for Richard J Daley’ (the old man). So I watched the continued decline of the City from just outside its borders for decades. I will always be proud to say that I was raised in Chicago but equally comfortable saying I would no longer live there now. Thanks MEEP!

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