Howdy, just your friendly author, Mary Pat Campbell, posting some places you can find me online (currently). I will be “stickying” this post to the top of the substack, and updating it as things change. [last update: 16 Sep 2023]
Meep’s Writing
STUMP is the blog my husband Stuart set up for me years ago on the website he bought for me decades ago. The original STUMP can be found at, which started in 2014, and I started mirroring with this substack in 2020.
I primarily write about public pensions, finance, and mortality issues on STUMP. The old site can be flaky, so the substack and the old site do not necessarily have the same text posts. Mostly, posts go up on the substack first, then on the old STUMP site.
I have my Publication Record, which mainly records my actuarial-related writing. I cover a variety of topics, with a huge theme on Excel and programming best practices. I don’t write (for free for others) so often now as I used to co-edit The Modeling Platform, the newsletter of the Modeling special interest section of the Society of Actuaries, and then stopped more recently as I’ve gotten more involved working with the Data Science and Analytics committee at the American Academy of Actuaries.
I have a couple of other places I write: my livejournal (goes back to April 2000), which tends to be more personal, but also has a lot of my writing about education. I am infrequent there now.
I have a Tumblr Croton Falls Heights where I grab old newspaper clips. I started it when I started looking into coverage of the Spanish flu pandemic. Here is a post I did on the origin of Triscuits. Have a plea from 1909:
Don’t call them pennies! (You can see how well that plea worked.) That site is extremely infrequently updated.
I have a site called Actuarial News which I mainly use to capture daily yield curves, but sometimes put up links to stories I’ve been reading. It’s primarily a way I curate topics for potential posts. I don’t necessarily use the material.
Meep’s Profiles
LinkedIn: Mary Pat Campbell
GoActuary: meep at GoActuary - this is an actuarial discussion board, which replaces the Actuarial Outpost
Actuarial Directory: Mary Pat Campbell
Twitter: meepbobeep
Contacting Meep
The best way to contact me is via email:
I also get messages via LinkedIn, but it’s filtered.
(Obviously, I may not respond to emails, but at least I see them.)
I usually don’t see cold messaging in the systems. That is, if you haven’t linked to me on LinkedIn, I will probably not see any messages you send. Email is best. Don’t make it look like spam - I never look in that folder.
Money (and other stuff) for Meep
Do you want to give me money or other stuff? SURE I’LL TAKE IT! [okay, maybe not]
Here on substack, you can subscribe (for money) to this newsletter, which is greatly appreciated.
No, you don’t get more content. I have no paywalled content, as I want people to read what I write here.
The only extra thing you get from subscribing for money is the right to comment on substack posts. I do get those notifications, and I often respond to those comments.
If you want to do a one-time cash gift (or recurring), Buy Me a Coffee is an easy way to do it. Note: I am most likely to buy tea.
Finally, want to get me a book? Check out my Amazon wishlist. To be sure, if you follow me on Goodreads, you’ll see I am supposedly concurrently reading 100 items right now. [I am not. It’s more like 4 things.] I use my wishlist to remind me of the stuff I need to get around to. Eventually. Maybe.
Meep’s Videos
Finally, I have a YouTube channel, Meep’s Math Matters, that I’ve been using.
The three blog-related playlists are:
Working with WONDER (using the CDC’s mortality databases)
Just a randomly chosen video (ok, it’s not random) — here I am solving a specialty sudoku puzzle:
See y’all around!
Bill Rice Jr, another Substack writer, has an article today. Heavy on opinion without the stats or sources cited as you do.
MEEP (My actuarial Guru) --- I have been reading so much about "excess deaths" by a variety of Covid contrarians and I do not know if this is really 'something' or not. I need my Guru's help to better understand the basis for this analysis. You did have the Jan 3, 2022 article but I did not find any more current articles from you (sorry if I missed them). If you have been reading these articles can you maybe give a "future" tutorial about the current Hub-Bub? Thanks